The Impact of the Good Friday Agreement: A List of Prisoners Released

As a legal enthusiast, I have always been fascinated by the Good Friday Agreement and its impact on the release of prisoners in Northern Ireland. The agreement, signed in 1998, marked a significant step towards peace and reconciliation in the region. One of its key provisions was the early release of paramilitary prisoners, a move that was highly controversial but ultimately crucial to the peace process.

Key Statistics

According to the Northern Ireland Office, a total of 428 prisoners were released under the Good Friday Agreement between 1998 and 2000. These individuals had been convicted of various offenses related to the conflict in Northern Ireland, and their release was a crucial aspect of the peace process.

Case Studies

One notable case is that of Gerry Kelly, a former member of the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA). Kelly served time in prison for his involvement in the bombing of the Old Bailey in 1973. Following the Good Friday Agreement, Kelly was released early and went on to play a key role in the political process, eventually becoming a member of the Northern Ireland Assembly.

List of Prisoners Released

Name Affiliation Offense
Gerry Adams Sinn Féin Membership IRA
Marian Price Irish National Liberation Army (INLA) Armed robbery
Sean Kelly IRA Conspiracy to cause explosions
Paul Kavanagh INLA Implicated in the killing of a British soldier

The release of prisoners under the Good Friday Agreement was not without controversy, but it was a necessary step towards achieving peace and stability in Northern Ireland. The individuals who were released have since played important roles in the political and social landscape of the region, demonstrating the transformative power of reconciliation and forgiveness.


Agreement for the List of Prisoners Released under the Good Friday Agreement

This Agreement for the List of Prisoners Released under the Good Friday Agreement (the “Agreement”) entered into this day, ________, parties involved release prisoners pursuant Good Friday Agreement.

Party 1: Prisoner Release Authority Party 2: Government Authority
Hereinafter referred to as “PRA” Hereinafter referred to as “GA”

WHEREAS, the Good Friday Agreement, also known as the Belfast Agreement, was signed on 10 April 1998 and aimed to bring an end to the conflict in Northern Ireland; and

WHEREAS, one of the key provisions of the Good Friday Agreement was the release of prisoners associated with paramilitary groups as part of the peace process; and

WHEREAS, PRA GA involved process reviewing approving list prisoners released terms Good Friday Agreement;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

  1. List Approval: PRA shall submit list prisoners recommended release GA approval. GA shall review list accordance laws regulations governing release prisoners Good Friday Agreement.
  2. Notification: Upon approval list, PRA shall notify relevant authorities stakeholders involved release process, GA shall provide necessary documentation release approved prisoners.
  3. Compliance: Parties shall ensure compliance legal requirements regulations pertaining release prisoners, including but limited terms conditions Good Friday Agreement.
  4. Confidentiality: Parties shall maintain confidentiality list prisoners related information, accordance applicable laws data protection regulations.
  5. Termination: Agreement shall remain effect completion process release prisoners Good Friday Agreement, unless earlier terminated mutual agreement parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.

Prisoner Release Authority Government Authority
__________________________ __________________________
Signature Signature


Unraveling the Mysteries of the Good Friday Agreement: Common Legal Questions Answered

Question Answer
۱. What is the Good Friday Agreement and how does it relate to the release of prisoners? The Good Friday Agreement, also known as the Belfast Agreement, is a peace deal signed in 1998 that brought an end to the conflict in Northern Ireland. Part of the agreement included the early release of prisoners affiliated with paramilitary groups.
۲. Are all prisoners eligible for release under the Good Friday Agreement? No, only prisoners affiliated with paramilitary groups and convicted of qualifying offenses are eligible for release under the terms of the agreement.
۳. What are qualifying offenses under the Good Friday Agreement? Qualifying offenses typically include those related to the conflict in Northern Ireland, such as politically motivated violence and paramilitary activities.
۴. Are there any conditions attached to the release of prisoners under the Good Friday Agreement? Yes, released prisoners are required to abide by certain conditions, such as not engaging in any further criminal activities and participating in community-based restorative justice programs.
۵. Can the release of prisoners under the Good Friday Agreement be revoked? Yes, if a released prisoner violates the conditions of their release, their freedom can be revoked and they may be returned to prison.
۶. What role do the parole board and the Secretary of State play in the release of prisoners under the Good Friday Agreement? The parole board is responsible for assessing the suitability of prisoners for release, while the Secretary of State has the final authority to grant or deny release.
۷. How does the Good Friday Agreement impact the criminal records of released prisoners? Once released, a prisoner`s criminal record may be “filtered” to remove certain convictions related to the conflict, allowing them to reintegrate into society more easily.
۸. Can released prisoners under the Good Friday Agreement travel outside of Northern Ireland? Yes, released prisoners are generally allowed to travel outside of Northern Ireland, but they may be subject to certain restrictions and reporting requirements.
۹. Are there any support programs available to assist released prisoners in their reintegration? Yes, various support programs and services are available to help released prisoners adjust to life outside of prison and address any social, economic, or psychological challenges they may face.
۱۰. How has the implementation of the Good Friday Agreement affected the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland? The implementation of the agreement has led to significant changes in the criminal justice system, including the reintegration of former prisoners, the development of restorative justice initiatives, and a shift towards more community-focused approaches to rehabilitation and reconciliation.